Friday, March 21, 2008

Enjoy The Best City Tours With Trusted Tours & Attractions

In 2003, I went to Hongkong on a three-day pleasure trip with some friends. All we did was roam around the city, nothing was planned, it was a "come what may" type of a thing. We joined few tours which had cost us a lot, mostly due to miscommunication! We hardly understood each other as most locals don't speak English and we don't understand Chinese so we were like communicating through sign language. Another problem we encountered was food. We starved for 3 days too because we couldn't read the menu in the restaurants and when we tried to ask what was it, they couldn't explain to us because they did not understand. One time I asked for one order just to taste what kind of dish it was, we were given one order each thinking I meant one for each! My friend ordered chicken but she was given a napkin, which really drove us nuts! Even the tours were poorly planned. We could have done a lot better had we planned our trip including the city tours earlier.

I promised myself the next time I visit a new place, I make sure I get the help of travel experts like Trusted Tours & Attractions! If you are planning on a trip to any city in the USA, they could help you plan your trip so that you will enjoy it fully without missing the city's top attractions. My husband and I have never been to New York City and Trusted Tours & Attractions has been very helpful in providing us insights on things to do in New York. Top in my list is to see the famous Metropolitan Museum of Art. I guess, for any first-time traveler, it is best to consult the experts and let them help you in planning your tours to make sure you will have a great time. How about having an IPOD Nano with you on your trips? If you don't own one yet, why don't you sign up with Trusted Travels eNewsletter for a chance of winning one? The newsletter will keep you updated on the latest tours and great family vacation ideas and the chance to win an IPOD Nano! This offer ends on March 31st, 2008 so hurry so you dont't miss this rare opportunity!

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