Thursday, June 17, 2010

Freelance jobs? Anyone on it?

Have you heard about these freelance jobs? I heard a lot about it, about people making real money from it. I think it is a sie where employers or people who need the services of other people to do some work for them, would post their projects or work to be done. Then those who need job and think they can do the posted projects or jobs, will start bidding. Whoever wins the bid will get the job.

I actually signed up with but has never accepted or bid for any project yet. I get emails many times in a day informing me about new projects that have been posted. I go check them sometimes but i don't know how it works. It seems that the projects posted require a lot of work for a very small pay. Maybe i'm wrong! It looks so easy; and there are thousands of work posted. I just didn't have the guts to bid for any project yet. Can anybody share their experiences with these kinds of jobs online, please?

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